Sunday, May 22, 2011

Yelle in San Francisco... que veux-tu, je suis folle de toi!

I had the great fortune of seeing the French group YELLE on Thursday at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco.  They are phenomenal performers, clearly loving every second of being on stage  and every aspect of what they do.  I was thrilled to hear one of my favorite songs "Ce Jeu" from debut album, Pop-Up, amongst mostly new tracks.
Press "play" to listen:

YELLE - Safari Disco Club / Que veux-tu from Yelle
Lead vocals from Yelle (Julie Budet) were faultless and completely in step with beats by drummer Grandmarnier and master of electronics, TEPR.  Lead and inspired by Yelle herself, I danced like I'd never danced before.  Fashion at the show was AMAZING on all sides, and we all were "shaking our booty bootys," as demanded.  Reader, should you be able to see Yelle live, do it!  You won't be sorry.

San Francisco, on our way to the show:
A sign that we were in for a dancing night:
And now, the show:
Some Safari gear:

Our arms were up in the air A LOT:
How I want to dress as of this show, in sparkles and animal prints (better detail HERE):
For more "professional" photos of the show, click HERE.  
There was an after-show appearance from Yelle at the merch table, but we misheard and left the venue looking for where we thought they were heading.  Blast! No ins-and-outs, even after asking VERY nicely, we were stuck outside.  Behind the ballroom, we found the Frenchest-looking (but still American) van we could spot, and staged a stake-out: 
At one point, someone, whom we believe was TEPR, the dj behind beats and programming,  peeked out on the fire escape.  We showered praise upon him ("bien joué"), and then decided that we were being creepy and headed for the car.

So, we didn't become Yelle's best friends that night, but we can hope for future occasions.  My friend had the best idea that artists like Yelle should hold special 10-people shows that allow us to dance, dance, and dance.  Like wild things.  So Yelle, in case you read this, do consider me. 

Some of my own style cette-nuit là, that night:

I marched myself right out the next morning and bought Safari Disco Club from the best music store ever, Amoeba Records.  As clever as the lyrics are, I feel quite spoiled that I can understand them (while referring to the booklet).  "C'est Pas Une Vie" is emerging as one of my personal top tracks.  Translations are worth a glance though French syntax and conjugation make this one especially witty.
Lines I love: "C'est pas une vie la vie qu'on vit/Quand on vit pas la vie qu'on veut."
Translation: "It's not a life, the life we live / when we don't live the life we want."

Because I have been listening to Safari Disco Club nonstop, I felt the need to share the album art and her rad style:
 From the booklet: *Album photography by Grégoire Alexandre, graphic design by Leslie David.
Fashion design by Jean-Paul Lespagnard

I hope this gigantic post has been enough to at least inspire a listen or two, thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and happiest wishes possible for a grand Monday. Gros Bisous. 

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