Monday, May 30, 2011

Playing With Fire

Un crêpe c'est bon, un crêpe flambée c'est quelque chose à voir...
 Translation: a crêpe is good, a crêpe flambée is something to see:
When brown sugar and rum meet a lit match, this is what happens:
Looks burnt, but I promise it tasted good.
I love crepes.  I really do.  For proof, you can read THIS POST. 
So, I poured brown sugar and rum on a crepe, turned out the lights, and then lit a match.  Maybe not the safest thing but it sure made for awesome pictures.  My favorite discovery this time around with toppings?  Brown sugar and lemon juice on the crepe while it is still cooking.  The result yields a tangy caramel.  Mmmm... or miam miam as they say in France.

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