Monday, May 23, 2011

Let's get fierce at the City College Fashion Show!

Does the title reference fashion adequately??  I hear Christian Siriano more than Tyra in "fierce" but to each her own.  Why am I thinking of Project Runway?  Why, Decadence, of course!  The annual City College of San Francisco's fashion show, Decadence, was a chance to take my skirt out on the town.
Vintage red leather skirt and asymmetrical cocoon sweater:

On the way to Ruby Skies in SF... I  liked the Owl Tree sign:
We parked up where the cars are sideways and the sidewalk is converted to stairs:

At the show, we had a view between two very tall heads.  All you little ones know:
 My following (camera) shots were taken trying to overcome adversity. 
Rad ombré leggings, pants:
These guys had sleeves...
...and then, with the pull of some zippers, they didn't!

On the left is one of my favorite pieces, a green trench with black leather lapels: 
(Sorry it's basically indistinguishable)

In store for one of the designers was a scholarship to San Francisco's Academy of Art. 
KIKA HEWEL was the big winner.  See some of her pieces below: 
This model rocked everything she wore:
 What is a skirt below, started off as cape, like THIS:
Kika Hewel herself:
And again, modeling the cape-to-skirt:
 Buy her designs HERE(also the source) 
Loving the eggplant tights with mustard shoes:
One of the designers wearing the best pants, the photo does not do them justice:
A bellydancing interlude:
Back outside the show was another event entirely.  Inspired, I attempted street fashion photography but was less than successful.
My friend suggested, "You could just go the easy way and... ask them!"
The blue shoes had wood inset in the wedge and were gorgeous.  I could find no photos of them at all
so simply imagine the Jeffrey Campbell Harlows below, in the beautiful blue seen above:
I'll ask next time because her kicks were dope.

After, a cucumber gimlet and a cachaça colada at Le Colonial:

Back home again, some more outfit details:
The button, all sewn on!
These Pare Gabia espadrilles are my favorite. With a bad ankle, these are working out all right!
The necklace is one of my favorite pieces from my mom's collection.

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think!  Or just say hi.  
Are you enjoying the many pictures or are they too much?

Until the next time!  Bisous. 

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