Monday, May 16, 2011

Red Leather

I stumbled upon a red-leather skirt (traffic-stopper) in a vintage-by-the-pound store yesterday.  It satisfies a number of criteria for a new piece I was hoping to add to my closet:

① A red-something for my bottom half, along these lines:
② A leather skirt.  I have been very into this trend but not wanting to shell out major bucks for it.  I have been especially inspired by Gucci's Fall/Winter 2011 collection
③ A fair price.  Fair = $6.68.

However, dear reader, this is where your help will be instrumental.  The hem is coming slightly undone - it looks as if it was glued rather than sewn.  Does leather glue exist/is it FOOLPROOF?  More trouble than it's worth?

The skirt is also missing a button.  Out of my mother's sewing table, I sought her button collection.  I talk all about not being able to sew, but I have lied a little bit.  I can sew buttons!  My grandmother taught me.
 Anyways, back to the skirt.  These two would be rad, but do not fit:

Full disclosure?  I wouldn't actually put the above one on the skirt, I just wanted to show it off.   It's huge.  I wish I had more because I would spice up one of my coats with them if I could. 

Now for more reader feedback.  I would like your opinion on which button works best.  Ready for my über-creative names?  Voili, voilà :

① Black angles:

② blue&gold:

 ③ sky retro:

I'm leaning towards black angles because it seems the most practical but I also really like sky retro.  It's a bit unexpected.  And if you're wondering about how much time I have on my hands, I can tell you that I am between jobs at the moment.  So there's your answer.  I have much time.  Anyways, do tell me what you think - parlez-moi de vos pensées.  Until the next time we meet, bisous.  


  1. I vote black angles! That skirt is amazing by the way.

  2. Thanks Natasha! I like black angles also...


Tell me what's on your mind!