Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happiness Hit Her Like a Train on a Track - Florence Pt. 2

 Getting ready to raise it up... Hands in the air!

It's official, Florence was wearing Gucci.  And I still love Gucci:

Florence likes to run and jump... she did the show barefoot.  Below, she is super far left:

Lights and the moon:

UC Berkeley's Campanile:

A little bit more to leave you with:

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!  The crowd was so engaged that I found everyone as interesting to photograph... at least they were close.  Thanks for bearing with the "Florence-as-a-yellow-dot" series.  I hope they still conveyed the feeling of the show.  

First, Florence had us all throw our arms up everytime she sang, "Raise It Up!" Then, she had everyone practice hopping up and down for her finale, Dog Days Are Over.  Some of the above crowd photos are arm raises, some are hopping.  Who doesn't like hopping?!! 

Happy Saturday to you!


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