Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Off to the Races Again...



For Memorial Day, we went to Golden Gate Fields in Berkeley.  Catch the reference?  The painted Golden Gate and then the photo of the real one WAY in the distance?  Well, I pulled out red leather and decided to make a day of it.  With a hat, of course. We made a $2 bet but the 17,000:1 odds just weren't hot.  

Hiking to and from the car allowed me to take advantage of the lovely sunshine and the walk to snap lots of pictures.  Good thing, because it feels like it has been raining since.  Anyways, should you get a chance to head over to the Fields for $1 Sunday, it's worth a trip.  Lovely views, as you can see. 

Don't hesitate to say hello, leave a comment or two! Cheers!

P.S.  After the horses, we almost ran over some wild turkey...

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