Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Summer Burger

Disclaimer: this is not a vegetarian-friendly post. 

I apologize for my absence this week, I am working outside all day long and by the time I am home, I am beat.  Not to mention there just weren't many things to share.  However, because I love a summer BBQ as much as the next blogger, I am going to share some traditions from the BBQ's here in our home.

It may look like the burger is lettuce and buns, but really there's much hiding between the buns.

To dress the burger, some first steps include tomato and mustard:

Then some lettuce from the neighbors:

Meanwhile, onions are sauteeing and caramelizing:

Then they are brought to the table:

And thrown on the tomato:

It may look daunting, but fear not...

We shall manage to eat it.

I Couldn't resist sharing, as burgers really are one of my favorite foods.  And the onions, made from a secret and ever-changing recipe of my dad's, really make the meal.

Do you have a favorite summertime tradition?  Gros bisous.

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