Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A look at some of my staple pieces, after a hard day's work of decoration.  When I wear jewelry, each piece has a story and means something to me.  I often see things I like, but rarely buy.  The trend of piling things on allows me to mix and match and make something new of each piece by setting it against others.  What are your feelings on jewelry?  Bisous.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting Waiting By The Phone

Want to make sense of the post title?  Press play!

An ode to my shoes, that have sat in my closet since my gnarly ankle bid them adieu in April.  I spied the clutch in my closet on my way out to see Harry Potter and realized, "Hey, these match.  YES!"  One of my first vintage purchases, I think I paid $12 for the clutch in 6th grade at Mars on Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley (before it was bought out as a member of the same vintage chain that sold me my red leather skirt).  I used to walk past after school on my way  to the bus stop.  Also, it is a coincidence that my yellow nail polish has faded to match the purse.  I promise.

Do you have a story about your first vintage purchase?  Please tell me about it in a comment!  Bisous. 

*Full-length photo by Tim - Thank you, Tim!*

Shoes: Sam Edelman
Jeans: Levi's (Boyfriend's - authentic tears)
Camisole: Dior - maman
Sweater: Comptoir des Cotonniers
Necklaces: Ethiopian Hinged Cross - gift from my French host mother, vintage silver beads, mom's black & pearl, blood coral from vendor on Telegraph Ave.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Variations On a Cupcake


These are some photos I have been meaning to share of beautiful (belles) s'mores cupcakes.  Obviously, I had a grand time playing with shadows and the settings on my camera.  I love the over-exposed photos!  

These cupcakes were a lovely gift from our neighbors - did I mention we have the best neighbors?  As you can see by the bite I took pre-photos, I couldn't wait to try one.  They were as delicious as they look.  These had a homemade caramel filling but sometimes our neighbor varies them, putting graham cracker in the base of the cupcake.  We're so lucky. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Casual Sunday

Summer evening - Gillian Welch

My own arm party - not quite as cool of a photo as THIS ONE!

Summertime means citronella!

A summer evening, spent with an olallieberry milkshake and an old oxford out of my mom's closet.  The sunshine is back and I am celebrating with multiple sunset photos.

Also, I hit 2000 views yesterday and I wanted to thank you for being a part of that.  Many bisous.


Jeans: 4 H&M via Ding Fring(Douai, France)
Oxford: Ralph Lauren
Gladiators: Les Petites Parisiennes
Bag: Vintage Coach (ok, I have 2)
Arm Party collected in Budapest (blue and big brass bangle), Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley (blood coral beads), Nova Scotia (small bangles), Seiko Watch

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kindred Bag Spirits

Yes, I am comparing myself with super blogger and model, Hanneli Mustaparta.  I'm having one of those "my material possesions make me as cool as you!" moments.  Indulge me. 
This shot is almost a year old, taken on our way to see Arcade Fire.  The purse in discussion is vintage, pre-Reed Krakoff Coach, inherited from my mother.  Yet again, her winning and discerning taste means this purse is a bona fide classic.  (It can also be carried as a clutch by detaching the straps.)

I have decided to do a small homage to this vintage accessory, this accessoire de maman.  Check out the details:

An interior, attached coin purse is genius.  The smart design and thought that went into vintage  is what, for me, makes vintage so special.  Do you have a favorite vintage accessory?  Tell me about it!

Happy weekend to you.  Bisous, Catherine

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Now you're out on the bottomless sea...

Right now, I am loving everything by Danish musician, Oh Land.  Thanks to Making Magique's musical accompaniment.

For a bit about her, watch this:

She certainly inspired some crazy dance in me while listening to "Sun of A Gun," heard in the background of the above video.
Feeling a bit blue as the skies have been grey but I do have some more photos to share soon.  Stick with me.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Out of all those kinds of people / You got a face with a view

A summer barbecue with very important people.

and delicious maple burgers made by the señor above:
A super organized grill, non?
A nosy poochie:
Not an accurate depiction of our joy and enthusiasm:
Storytelling and music discussions:

The end of a long week:

We had heated discussions about The Talking Heads and David Bowie's various personnages:
Watermelon cut up by the bearer of whimsy herself:
 Isn't she skilled?  I never buy melons because I hate having to cut them.
Speaking of whimsy, with the Labyrinth soundtrack playing in the background, this came about:
And then we bridged a world of magical puppets with magical realism à la Pan's Labyrinth:
And saluted the evening with our beautifully cut watermelons:
And to prove I was there too:
(don't you love that self-portrait face?)

Here's to my friends.  And to one we missed!

P.S. THIS is a great David Byrne, Brian Eno tune