Monday, October 4, 2010

Then I'll dig a tunnel, from my window to yours

The day of the Arcade Fire show arrived, finally!  We started things off with a low-key cookout.  My crisped potatoes went more to chip phase:
And I tried a 2nd adaptation of the Fraisse Family Gâteau au chocolat.  I have the recipe in French proportions and never bought a measuring cup there.  Dangit.
This was the last time:
Before baking but obviously not right.  Not enough sugar, unsweetened chocolate, the list goes on...
This time:
With a sprinkle of sea salt, inspired by Café Fanny's Salty Chocolate Cookies.   This was fare worthy of getting us ready for the show.
Me, as close to running as my not-quite-recovered ankle will allow.:
These two were taking it a touch more slowly:

 I was still REALLY excited.
In line 1 hour before doors, 2.5 hours before show.


Rebellion (Lies)

This scarf is a giant mohair shawl that I found at an Estate Sale a few weeks ago.  What I love most about it is its parallel to a light blue blanket my parents have had since their pre-kids era.  Spending more on it than my usual budget of $0.00, my sentimentality and the color won me over.  I especially love that when full-size, it can double as a small blanket for things like Bay Area evening outings.  Though last night, I hopped up and down for the extent of the photos above - c'est à dire (which is to say) the entire Arcade Fire set.  I had to take off the scarf and sweater.  

This last month has been a whirlwind, each show just as good as the last, each with an entirely different feel.  I'm lucky to have seen these amazing and talented performers.  

Have a lovely day!

*P.S.  On another note, the blog is newly formatted.  Thoughts?  This design or the previous look? 
I appreciate your comments*


  1. Merci de ton message :)
    Oui Paris c'est tellement un belle ville!

  2. New article in my blog tell me what you think:)


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