Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkins screaming in the dead of night...

Almost time for Halloween, but celebrating a bit early.  I put together my Glamour-Puss outfit complete with, what else, a vintage accessory from my mother's classics.  This is one of her sweaters, check out the fantastic textures.  The white patches are a fuzzy angora-type fabric.   Impossible to not feel glamorous! 

Found the key on my necklace in a sewing box.

My photographer with resident photo-bomber (the Golden one).  For Halloween, I may go even more intense with makeup - which is my favorite part of Halloween costumes, and frequently where my inspiration begins. 

Doing some research, I came upon this.  She made herself a wax nose!
And this:
And THIS   little play on the concept... 

These 3 photos sure do inspire more intense makeup...  But tonight, to prepare, we will carve pumpkins and mentally prepare by watching scary movies, roasting pumpkin seeds and saving some for Frank.  Hooray.

Any Halloween plans in store for you?  I sure do miss that week off for All Saints' Day in France...  

Merry trick-or-treating to you!

There that golden one goes again!

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