Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkins screaming in the dead of night...

Almost time for Halloween, but celebrating a bit early.  I put together my Glamour-Puss outfit complete with, what else, a vintage accessory from my mother's classics.  This is one of her sweaters, check out the fantastic textures.  The white patches are a fuzzy angora-type fabric.   Impossible to not feel glamorous! 

Found the key on my necklace in a sewing box.

My photographer with resident photo-bomber (the Golden one).  For Halloween, I may go even more intense with makeup - which is my favorite part of Halloween costumes, and frequently where my inspiration begins. 

Doing some research, I came upon this.  She made herself a wax nose!
And this:
And THIS   little play on the concept... 

These 3 photos sure do inspire more intense makeup...  But tonight, to prepare, we will carve pumpkins and mentally prepare by watching scary movies, roasting pumpkin seeds and saving some for Frank.  Hooray.

Any Halloween plans in store for you?  I sure do miss that week off for All Saints' Day in France...  

Merry trick-or-treating to you!

There that golden one goes again!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Obsessed with, inspired by, this necklace.  Found in the back of my mother's closet, it has an unknown history.  I did, however, uncover a few months ago, a photo of my mom from the 70's wearing it. 

Work has been keeping me off my blogging A-game, will try to get back to a more regular schedule.  Bisous.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The leaves are floating in the swimming pool

Jens Lekman's "Farewell Song to Rocky Dennis."  

Earlier this summer, I invested in a pair of Clarks Classics, knowing I would not last an hour in those über-cute heeled desert boots.  Though Seychelles does a great version of desert boots by Chloé that I lusted after last year.

The Clarks are pretty comfy, yet I am still trying to figure out ways to wear them!  A preference: layered over skinny jeans or tights with higher socks.
This is one of my inspirations:
So blatantly French, she balances chic with comfort sans effort (effortlessly).  

From my maman's closet, I have been wearing this scarf frequently and waiting for cooler days to start wearing this hat.  
Any shoe styles that have caught your fancy this season?  I would love to hear from you!

Happy Birthday to Frank

FOUND: In my mother's closet, an ultimate Vintage Accessory.  I cannot wear most of her shoes, but this sassy pair mostly works.  Not for lengthy wear.  It was my friend Frank's birthday, so we celebrated the best way we know.  A delicious dinner at Berkeley's Paisan and dessert with champagne.  Well, sparkling wine. 

I made chocolate cake again, only this time in single-serving ramekins.  Much easier clean-up! 

We have a fantastic lemon tree so pending a long-standing debt of lemon curd cookies, I made a tart.  We eventually were four for dessert but nearly a week later, I am still working on finishing the tart.  The tree was a wedding gift to my parents.

The grey documented

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A grey day

By Yvan Rodic at Facehunter 
My least favorite kind of day, grey.  It's not raining anymore but no sun.  I saw this on Facehunter and just loved how effortless and elegant this look is.  I am especially inspired by Nordic fashion (Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden) and for the first time, she makes me want a cape!  

Off to work later, I think I may try some tights and wooly socks with perhaps desert boots.  I've taken pictures of past outfits but am not loving them.  I'll probably post anyway.  Have a good afternoon/evening. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Take my heart with a grain of salt!

Thank you to the girls from blogs Midnight Couture and Big Mac November for your kind comments!  Head over to their sites for some grand doses of German and French (respectively) style.

Overwhelmed by a new job, I have been pathetic about blogging.  But I am sitting on some pics that I hope to post soon.  In the meantime, please enjoy these videos.  The first popped up just now in the  headlines of blogs I follow, from La Blogothèque .  After talking about THE MORNING BENDERS only hours before!

Originally from Berkeley, California, The Morning Benders are now based out of New York.  Seeing them live brings a fresh-faced earnesty and thrill to a concert experience.  Their music is threaded with angst re-examined through more mature eyes; accompanied by a full, stimulating sound.  They remind me of a modern Beach Boys (2nd BB reference, I know), examining love with more cynicism and hesitance.

This second video is of my FAVORITE group for the last 3 or so years, The Kings of Convenience.  I regret not making the 2.5 hour trip to Brussels last winter to see them but the next chance I have to see this duo live, I shall seize zealously.  Even if it means driving all night.

The Kings of Convenience - Soirée de Poche #11 from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Both of these groups are gems to me, hope you enjoy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Then I'll dig a tunnel, from my window to yours

The day of the Arcade Fire show arrived, finally!  We started things off with a low-key cookout.  My crisped potatoes went more to chip phase:
And I tried a 2nd adaptation of the Fraisse Family Gâteau au chocolat.  I have the recipe in French proportions and never bought a measuring cup there.  Dangit.
This was the last time:
Before baking but obviously not right.  Not enough sugar, unsweetened chocolate, the list goes on...
This time:
With a sprinkle of sea salt, inspired by Café Fanny's Salty Chocolate Cookies.   This was fare worthy of getting us ready for the show.
Me, as close to running as my not-quite-recovered ankle will allow.:
These two were taking it a touch more slowly:

 I was still REALLY excited.
In line 1 hour before doors, 2.5 hours before show.


Rebellion (Lies)

This scarf is a giant mohair shawl that I found at an Estate Sale a few weeks ago.  What I love most about it is its parallel to a light blue blanket my parents have had since their pre-kids era.  Spending more on it than my usual budget of $0.00, my sentimentality and the color won me over.  I especially love that when full-size, it can double as a small blanket for things like Bay Area evening outings.  Though last night, I hopped up and down for the extent of the photos above - c'est à dire (which is to say) the entire Arcade Fire set.  I had to take off the scarf and sweater.  

This last month has been a whirlwind, each show just as good as the last, each with an entirely different feel.  I'm lucky to have seen these amazing and talented performers.  

Have a lovely day!

*P.S.  On another note, the blog is newly formatted.  Thoughts?  This design or the previous look? 
I appreciate your comments*

Heavy Soul Darling

Photos from The Black Keys at the Oakland Fox:
Akron, OH is the tire capital so that's what flies high on their flag above the stage.  We were in row X.

This time, the countdown was accurate.

I found this hairclip in an old shoebox.  I love the color.
This is a St. John's shell of my mom's with fantastic sheen.  Though I struggle with bracelets that snag the fabric!

The Stage!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Love for Lanvin

Dear Alber Elbaz,

If I, like The Style Rookie, continue to blog about fashion, would you send me this:
Image by Garance Doré
Garance Doré has so beautifully captured the movement and fire of this piece.  The New York Times talks about how Alber Elbaz has a tendancy to go overly-voluminous yet my mental associations with Lanvin are beautiful, falling silks and fabulous florals.  This dress affirms my dedication to Lanvin.  See the whole collection here.  And a timeline of The House of Lanvin here.

Any thoughts on this dress or your favorite designers?  Favorite shows?  I get the abbreviated versions here:

Hope you're enjoying these Fashion Weeks.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dan Auerbach, you can be my man anyday.

This is what I lived last night:
Baby, I'm howlin' for you...
If you can see The Black Keys live, even if you don't know their music, do it.  Just do it.  Best show.
"Too Afraid to Love You"
"I'll Be Your Man"

This is some of Dan Auerbach's solo project stuff:

Most of his backing band is made up of the group, Hacienda.  Their first album was produced by Dr. Dog and the 2nd, Big Red and Barbacoa, by The Black Keys.  It's good, kinda garage-surfer-rock tinged with Southwest/Tejano flair.  They are great guys, we met them at South by Southwest in Austin and they sold us their album before the official release date.  During the show, one of their mics went out, so they played "Green Onions."
"Younger Days"
Band Website: