Monday, January 24, 2011

New York, Paris, Milan... SAN FRANCISCO!

Scroll through this post from STREETFSN:

Could it be that the reason San Francisco seems left out of the worldwide Fashion Hub map is that we don't have the seasons to accommodate wearing "seasonally-appropriate" looks?   I will take upper-60's weather on January 23rd but there shall be no parade of men in Junya Watanabe-style winter sweaters accessorized with scarves and wool socks just wandering the streets.  And frankly, much of the frequently referenced NYC glamour that comes to mind involves heavy coating, of-the-moment hats, scarves, and that "bundled up against the bitter chill" glow that comes from finding yourself outside in the sunshine but still so cold you think your toes might just break off right in your boots.

I don't know that I would trade our ever-temperate weather for the luxury of wearing each season's starkly different looks, Chanel's faux-fur booties in December for Jil Sander's orange floor-length skirts in April.  But when thinking about relocating my Gypsy soul to real cold, I cannot tell a lie.  A little glow shines in my heart when I think about re-merchandising my own closet, the linens and espadrilles in storage in return for my elbow-length mittens and shearling-lined orange booties.  Which, in this mediterranean climate, have seen no action.

On to another issue: when moving, should these items, though loved, be relocated to a thrift store?  Or consigned?  These bulkier pieces won't be worn so why consecrate space?  Because I don't get free replacements, that's why.  One of my favorite items in my closet is a vintage Marimekko-print winter coat with a half-length zipper.  Très 1960's.  Now it stares out at me each morning from its hanger, reminding me of its loyalty just last winter when I zipped myself up each morning; braving the bitter canal-side winds of a small town in the North of France.  With the sun rising around 8:30, long after my 7:15 bus, it represents a bright spot during dark mornings.

This is my first foray into the neglect of the San Francisco fashion scene, a neglect that leaves me feeling personally slighted.  Although I worship the work of Yvan Rodic, the Facehunter, I can't help it that my enthusiasm has waned just the slightest bit after he was in the Bay Area for 3 days in November and published ONE (1!) photo of SF street fashion.  Staring out into the street from my storefront, I could fill my memory card in three days with others' inspired style.  

A lovely Monday to you.  Cheers.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Boyfriend's sweater

Feeling a bit manic these last few days, stress at work, stress at home.  So I am lagging on blogging.  But this is my attempt at picking myself up by my bootstraps.  And, as a play on words, inspired by the $430 boyfriend cardigan that I lust after at work, here is my boyfriend's sweater as a boyfriend sweater.

Keeping with the purpose of the blog, Mother's accessories, my earrings were from a trip to Oaxaca that my mom and dad took in the '70's. I had already adopted them before thieving scoundrels absconded with most of Maman's jewelry. 

Please follow... don't you want to?  And many thanks to those who already do.  I appreciate it.  I have to figure out which blogger template looks like this "classic" one but still allows me to show which blogs I follow.  I don't mean to discredit any mutual following!  If anyone has HTML tips they feel like sharing, I will not say no to help.

Off to veg a bit.  Thanks very much for stopping by!  Bisous.

P.S.  In the background is a Mexican creche that is also from Oaxaca.  The colors and detail of the set make my Christmas that much brighter.   I hope eventually to add a Provençale creche to my own collection.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Days Off


Enjoying some glorious days of sunshine with a cup of tea.  The vessel is a Chinese teacup/pot called a Gaiwan and was a Christmas gift to me, along with the Sencha tea that brews to the most beautiful green.

Because I fall for letterpress thank-you cards that I can't afford to buy in bulk, I am attempting homemade cards.  A good friend is set on encouraging my artistic endeavors and so she is to thank for the above set of watercolor pencils.  I have always loved painting but don't trust my freehand abilities.  The pencils allow for dependable color-blending with the relaxation of painting, as you go over the lines with a wet paintbrush to create a vivid, well, PAINTED appearance.  I hate my absence of drawing ability but secretly love painting.  Not many people know this little fact.  Inside my thank-you cards are little phrases meant to compliment the front.  I'm holding out for Snow & Graham to contact me as a freelance greeting card designer.

What are your favorite things to do during your free days?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Inspired by...

...La danse!

Since watching Frederick Wiseman's documentary, "La Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet" il y a un moment (a WHILE ago), which I cannot recommend enough, I yearn to dress like a French ballerina in rehearsal tenue.  Each ensemble so light and airy, simple yet elegant, I have found myself searching for a tulle skirt and pink leotard to wear in public.  I have increased the presence of a chignon atop my head.

Stills from La Danse :

While I dream about teaching myself to make a tulle skirt, Ivan Rodic, The Facehunter, has captured what to me becomes a street version of les danseuses: 

Only in Brazil... She captures the same elegance as the ballerinas, form-showing yet again, airy, fantastical.  I love the retro cut of her bodysuit!  Where could she be off to?  
The Facehunter reminds me that I need to take more outdoor photos.  Do you suppose he just stumbles upon buildings that simply happen to match his subjects?
For a quick moment away, I leave you with Paris, and Wiseman's Ballet de l'Opéra National:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy birthday to me...

With a pair of vintage Salvatore Ferragamo boots that I basically stole from a local consignment store:

My mom always said that Ferragamos were the only shoe that fit her feet and so when I stumbled upon these, I couldn't pass them up.  She would approve.

I love matcha

A Japanese green tea powder when blended with milk and a drop of sugar, is like hot green tea ice cream in a glass.

 I also love these new glasses bought chez Marshall's:
Your favorite cold-weather treat?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

some accessoires de maman...

Feeling inspired by a tutorial on eyeliner from helloitsvalentine, I decided to try and be makeup adventurous on an outing last weekend. 
I own some Chanel, it's true.  Found this blush in Mom's makeup drawer, I think she had it from a class that taught women undergoing chemotherapy how to style up their everyday look and potentially worry a little less about their hair, or the absence of their hair.

What a lovely Coach purse, again, from my mother's marvelously classic collection.  A piece that I live by when going out, as we were, to a smaller bar, or places where one finds oneself on a stool.  I hate leaving my purse sitting anywhere and so having a tiny crossbody bag such as this one allows me to keep my things with me, but comfortably! 

En route.  Happy weekend to all.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Accessoire de Papa

I started out the day like this:
 And came home to this:

Both courtesy of the same hero of mine, begrudging photographer and chef extraordinaire.  His first boeuf bourgignon, hopefully not his last.  Really.

The shirt is my dad's, I love it.  We keep one of our two front doors open at work, and in this thermal piece, I finally wasn't cold.

If you haven't yet, check this out:

It has added beauty to my day. I want to be just like The Sartorialist when I grow up.

Bonne fin de semaine à tous! Happy Friday. Bisous.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Evening with Aïda

Happy holidays and New Year's to all!  Still feeling the aftermath of a New Year's Eve flu, I spent this evening in, serenaded by the San Francisco Opera's production of Aïda.

As a little girl, my dad would read this story from a beautiful book with pages bordered by marvelous Art Deco lotus patterns.  It's a Romeo and Juliet-esque story only the warring Montagues and Capulets are replaced by a war between Ethiopia and Egypt completed by angry kings and jealous princesses.  My dad enchanted me with visions of a stage production involving live elephants - a show he had seen while traveling.  Being around babies the last week has made me think so much about the time I spent with my own dad reading and reading and reading! 

And so, while listening and perusing some favorite other blogs, I told myself I would create at least one post tonight.  Resolutions, resolutions... start small... 1 post every other day?

I have some photos I've hinted at and been dying to show :

Homemade chicken/turkey pot pie courtesy of the Barefoot Contessa!  May not be the prettiest but was it ever good.  The turkey was leftover from Thanksgiving.  Yes these photos are THAT old. 

We enjoyed a tv-dinner.  Only it was a movie. 

While on a search for the perfect black boot, I came upon the following.  Really, what wardrobe is complete sans a touch of Cowboy...

boots: vintage Sanders

Wearing an OLD wrap skirt of my mom's - I have a photo of her wearing it (with the oft aforementioned but still rad tiered necklace) that sent me diving into a musty closet after it.  I will post more photos soon.  Hope your 2011 is all you wish it to be!

And please, don't hesitate to comment, comment, COMMENT!  Feedback, tips, and thoughts are always appreciated!