Monday, February 28, 2011

Je m'en souviens - Part 2

Inspired by... this Camel blazer:

If you are newly tuning in, this is the 2nd in a series of 5 posts dedicated to my style icon and  inspiration, my mother.  See this post for more details.   Judging by my sister's size, image circa: 1979-1980.

I found this Italian cashmere blazer stuffed in my closet when camel started to be touted as this season's "thing."  Perhaps I noticed it because I was trying to be on trend?  But I was thrilled - one less thing to lust after while reading The Sartorialist.  The pendant my mom is wearing was a gift from my mom's mentor during her medical school residency.  It featured the emblem from the Saudi Arabian flag and was stolen a few years ago.  Her mentor lives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and became a fairy godmother to me and my sister.  

Cleaning this past week with my sister, I found this photo and couldn't help but show you one of the ways I like to style it:

On my hidden right hand is this ring:

I had already pilfered it before the theft, making it one of my only pieces that I remember playing with in my mom's jewelry box as a little girl, and that I still have.  The postcard behind it is dated 190? - the ink has faded.  I bought it along the Seine.

I am wearing a Galleria New York Vintage blazer, H&M jeans, Cécilia silk blouse, vintage Ferragamo boots, Laurel Burch earrings, bracelet bought in Budapest and vintage ring and watch (both accessoires de maman)

Tune in again soon for more of my tribute.  Bisous.

Je m'en souviens - Part 1

On February 22, we remembered my the life of a marvelous woman, my mom.  The above photo (my mom is in sunglasses) is most likely from one of her summer trips to Montauk, a family tradition.   She died one year ago and as a tribute to her, I dedicate the next few posts to her enduring style.  These next few posts are a project meant to translate how she dressed then to how I wear it now.  

With my mom, what was acceptable was only the best.  This included her wardrobe.  During this past year, I have realized that her classic eye, combined with quality garments means that I live on the same hallway as a vintage store where everything is free but also frequently comes with a story.  In wearing some of her signature pieces, I remember her - as cliché as that sounds, it's true.  Another effect of renewed interest in her closet is that I have noticed details in photos that I didn't before, causing moments of, "I want to wear that!" and closet-diving.  So, why not show you, reader, how I make that work?  And what better way than to show you the photos?

When she died, I already had some favorite accessories "on loan."  I decided to take on her closet and found myself appreciating vintage pieces that I had never before realized were so fantastic.  One disappointment?  My feet are too small for her shoes.  The flipside?  My aunt recently absconded with quite a lovely collection, of course including Mummy's favorite label, Ferragamo:

So, in case you notice something different happening here around Vintage Accessory, now you have an explanation.  I conclude my introdution of my series, je m'en souviens, or, I remember.  Thanks for stopping by.

Bisous, bye.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

La vie atypique

Catch a glimpse of the Parisian "atypical" with this video:

The website behind the clip, is geared towards young entrepreneurs with an atypical approach to their craft.

Even if you aren't a master of French, just soak in the images of Paris and the creativity of the featured subjects.   I can't lie, I also enjoy just hearing the sound of other languages. Seriously.

I came across it via the blogger, Valentine. Her style is so quintessentially French that it makes my heart ache just a bit (ça serre le coeur) when I see her posts of life around town; life in that grand city of lights.  I never lived in Paris but if I go back, it shall be my landing point.

Her interview:


Monday, February 21, 2011

Les orchidées.

Orchids were my mom's favorite flowers, but we've had these giant potted cymbidiums forever and I have never before seen them bloom.  Because I spent the last 6 years in actual cold climates, I am somewhat awed to be surrounded by this much green and these many flowers in February.  And so I am documenting the greenery.

Some accessoires de maman:

This is an old belt I rummaged out of her collection - I wear it every other day.  The earrings are by Laurel Burch and are titled "Flying Fish".  My great aunt had a couple of pairs by this designer and then my mom stumbled on somewhere that was selling pairs by the bag.  I love their art deco/80's vibe.  I have been wearing them ALL THE TIME for the last 3 years.

Living in/loving my Hunter boots.  The hype is fair.  Wearing them with the ripstop jacket makes me feel like I should be wandering the grounds of my French or English countryside château to tend the sheep.  Sidenote: when I studied abroad, my host family actually had a château in the Burgundian country.

I have some ideas brewing for more posts including a potential foray into street fashion.  I don't know if I've mentioned that I'm taking a fashion writing course; for homework, I must create 5 posts in the next two weeks.  The biggest challenge will be to actually create 5 focused posts.  I'm kind of excited.

Until the next time.   

Thursday, February 17, 2011

HTML Coding

HTML coding equals for me instant gratification, long-term frustration, and, to complete an ultimate triumvirate, addiction.  After one week of trying out HTML coding and searching for new templates, I am finally pleased.  I can now brag about my loyal followers and show off my reading materials.  I will cease to make changes to my blog layout for at least the rest of the night. 

Until our next meeting, I am providing below some of my color scheme inspiration, as seen in my dad's garden.  Flowers in February... we're so lucky to live here.  

Did you know nasturtiums are a member of the radish family thus making them both beautiful and edible?

A la prochaine, chers lecteurs.  Bisous.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I don't know where I'm going, but I do know where I've been...

 Above, my daily view one year ago.  Below, my life now.  Notice a trend?

Having grown up surrounded by water, I'm not sure I could ever find my way around without some major aquatic landmark.  I have a terrible sense of direction. 


Just showing off our blossoming plum tree.  And the ripstop jacket my boyfriend said I could have when I wanted to buy a new one.  Because he's not that small, I'm still figuring out how to work it.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

10,000 Photos!

If one picture is worth a thousand words, then what have you said after taking 10,000?  Below is my actual 10,000th Photo with my Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-P41 (4.1 Mega Pixels).  Yes, this camera is old.  Christmas 2004, to be exact.  I believe in wearing things out until they have not a single breath of life remaining.  Case in point?  My ipod color, circa fall 2005 - pre iPod video.  Back to the point, it serves me well.  This past week, I took with my little Sony, this my 10,000th photo:

I was at Berkeley's Koch Printers where they were preparing for their bienniel Codex Foundation book fair, a sort of fashion week for couture printing.  They celebrate the art of the book itself, a sort of anti-Kindle type affair.  One of their most recent projects was this, The Lost Journals of Sacajewea:

The bullet shells along the binding were fired by Peter Koch himself:

While the cover was from custom-made paper produced in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and meant to resemble buffalo-skin.  It is this sort of work that was displayed at the Codex Foundation Fair. 

I just find it fascinating that in this age of iPad's and online books, there are uprisings of folk not only preserving the book but the art of the manufacturing of books.  It makes my tech-challenged heart swell.

P.S.  Swing by for fashion gone minimalist in a fantastically dramatic way.  It's a beautiful site.  Thanks, The Divinitus, for saying hi.