Sunday, April 17, 2011

Berkeley-Made Leather Lovelies

Claflin, Thayer & Co. has been on my mind, thanks to a friend seeking to encourage my desire to be crafty (as in, producing crafted goods).

With cheeky photos such as the one below, I couldn't wait to REBLOG:

Her images feature "local" nuances... from the Oakland-stamped logo to Chico, CA-produced Sierra Nevada.  I cannot wait to get my mitts on one of her purses.  Especially this one:

Get it here

It probably ages with use, like this pouch:

To explain above photo, see this post

And don't forget to see the things she makes (but doesn't necessarily sell), complete with photos taken during various stages of construction.  If her leather jackets ever hit the online store, my bank account is in trouble.  Instead, maybe she'll see my blog and say, You know, I would love to show you how to make beautiful leather goods.  

Dear reader, have I ever told you about how this is also my forum for fantasies?  Well, now you know.

Jusqu'à la prochaine, bisous bisous. 

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