Friday, July 1, 2011

Silver and Amber

♪♫ Nothing's Changed - The Zombies (click to play)

It was quite chilly shooting these pictures, in the 50's - the summer temperatures rise and fall in these parts.  But summer light is summer light and this light is always lovely. 

This necklace was a gift to my mom from my sister  - from a Tibetan store, I think - and I rediscovered it only a few days ago.  While I've always loved it, I've never felt quite daring enough for the challenge.  But what's the point of personal style if one never takes on a challenge?  Not only did I accept but I paired the necklace with stripes!

What do you think?  Taken any personal style risks of your own lately?  I would love to hear from you.

Gros bisous. 

Dress: Boden
Sandals: Les Petites Parisiennes
Watch: Seiko, de mamam
Bracelets: Vintage from Mexico, New Mexico, unknown
Necklace: Sonam Tibetan Gift Shop, in Berkeley, California

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