Monday, July 18, 2011

Casual Sunday

Summer evening - Gillian Welch

My own arm party - not quite as cool of a photo as THIS ONE!

Summertime means citronella!

A summer evening, spent with an olallieberry milkshake and an old oxford out of my mom's closet.  The sunshine is back and I am celebrating with multiple sunset photos.

Also, I hit 2000 views yesterday and I wanted to thank you for being a part of that.  Many bisous.


Jeans: 4 H&M via Ding Fring(Douai, France)
Oxford: Ralph Lauren
Gladiators: Les Petites Parisiennes
Bag: Vintage Coach (ok, I have 2)
Arm Party collected in Budapest (blue and big brass bangle), Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley (blood coral beads), Nova Scotia (small bangles), Seiko Watch

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